News You Can Use: Mid Week
Fri, Jan 24 9:46am
Reminder! 100 Days donut sale tomorrow morning benefitting 4th Grade!
Take Me Out to the Jogathon is in full "swing"!  
Jogathon Announcements - Jogathon is Friday, January 31st! (minimum day)
  1. Don't forget to purchase any additional Jogathon swag, available for order this week only!  We are offering hoodies, caps, and beanies in the vibrant Padres City Connect colors.   All ordered items will be delivered directly to your child’s classroom. Swag will also be sold in front of school today and tomorrow OR Click here to order:   Jogathon Swag Sales.
  2. Volunteers needed for the day-of jogathon!! Please sign up HERE  *There are several spots that need to be filled for bowling and UTK activities.
  3. Video Contest:  Encourage your SVE students, siblings, and friends to create a video promoting and advertising our Jogathon.  A family or group video is welcomed!   Submit using: Video Contest Entry Form 2025 Jogathon Video Submissions.
  4. Prizes: Keep sending emails as prize distributions will continue on Wednesdays! 
Thank you for supporting the Jogathon! Let’s make this year’s event extra awesome!