Annual Fund Spotlight: Ms. Fox, Thornhill Librarian
Thu, Sep 7 9:09am

Hello Thunderbirds! 

Over the next several weeks, we are going to highlight Thornhill’s incredible PFC staff members, so you can get to know them and learn how they impact our students everyday.  Your donation to the Thornhill Annual Fund, goes directly to funding an amazing staff, which includes our beloved Thornhill Librarian, Ms. Fox.

Hello, my name is Marie Fox, and I am excited to be in my SIXTH YEAR as the Thornhill  librarian. I have lived in Oakland for the last 19 years, and my husband and I have three daughters - two Thornhill alumni, Lucy (now in 9th grade at Tech), Kaya (6th grade at Montera), and Grace (3rd grade). I have a BA in English Literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and my Masters in Library and Information Science from SJSU.

The library is a communal space for our entire school, and I am lucky to see all of our students once a week! During our sessions, we read and discuss books that are related to current cultural events, just for fun, or are connected to their curriculum, supporting what they are learning in their classrooms. I also coordinate author visits, make book recommendations, offer activity centers, and work with 4th and 5th grade library aides.

Research has shown that schools staffed with a qualified librarian have a boost to their student achievement. I am passionate about supporting students in discovering what sparks their interest and helping to develop their critical thinking and information-gathering skills. My aim is to assure that the library is a space for all students to experience reading joy and support their development into life-long readers.

I am very grateful to be a part of the wonderful Thornhill community of students, families, staff and readers!

~ Marie Fox

Ready to donate? Great! There are a variety of ways to submit your donation: 

Thank you for your continued support!

Catrina Vrankovich, Selam Brown and Stefani Miller

Annual Fund Co-Chairs