Drop Off/Pick Up For the Last 6 Days of School
Wed, May 15 3:48pm
As you have probably seen/heard, the parking we have long enjoyed from St. John's is unavailable while the church builds a new parking lot and bridge access from Thornhill Drive.
This means we will have a LOT of families trying to get to and from school without the usual parking options. There is no easy fix. All families will have to find surface street parking nearby and walk to the school.
To help us get through the next 6 days of the school year, please consider the following ways to help reduce traffic, keep kids safe, and help us through this exciting but busy end of year period.
A. Walk or bike to school (if you can)
B. Carpool (fund our playdate buddies and see if you can reduce cars)
C. Volunteer (we need a few parents/guardians from every class to help out for dropoff and pickup) Sign up to volunteer for 5/16 & 5/17 HERE. Sign up to volunteer for 5/20-5/23 HERE. We may be able to help you with a parking permit if you can volunteer.
Please note, in addition to the two existing drive and drop spots on Alhambra Ln. and Thornhill Dr., we will also be adding a new drop off zone along Thornhill. The white zone for school drop off actually extends to the end of the campus. Normally, about 4 cars can park there. This will not be allowed for the rest of the school year from 8-9am as this space will be a drop off zone (ideal for kids using Gate D).
We are working on a formal plan for pickup. Stay tuned.
Also, we are working with OPD, a towing company, and the city to help ease any issues we have.
We really appreciate everybody making this easier and safer for all. Thanks for your grace and kindness in these next few days.
Questions? Email Ian Storrar at quickdrop@thornhillschool.org