IMPORTANT: New School Year, New Traffic Setup - get the update and please volunteer!
Sun, Aug 11 7:06pm

Hello Thornhill Families!


We're so excited to have you back starting on Monday August 12th. If you were here last year you'll know that we've had some big changes in our school traffic (drop-off/pick-up/parking) routine. If you're new, don't worry, we have a plan. The following information is fairly detailed. Let us know if you have questions or email The visual quick summaries should help.


  • Slow and Steady: As any preschooler knows, "slow and steady wins the race." The speed limit in the school zone is 15 mph. Please help keep everyone calm by driving at/below the limit. We will be practicing mindfulness this year and also being extra lenient on late arrivals - don't panic!


  • TK & K families: You may enter the school early (8:10am) this year and line up on the ramp up to the school entrance. This is especially to assist with those families who need to park and walk from a little further away than last year. You may NOT park in the "white zone" outside the school. See below.


  • Curb-side Drop-Off: This will look very similar to last year except we'll continue to use the full length of the "white zone" in front of the school for a drop-off lane.
    • You may be able to exit the drop-off lane after your kid(s) is safely on the sidewalk via the break in the cones at the fire hydrant.
    • Please pull up all the way to allow more cars to enter.
    • Follow instructions from volunteers in yellow vests.
    • No U-turns in the school zone (we see you and we judge you). You may be ticketed.
    • We will also have a second drop-off zone on Alhambra Lane for those who drive through the St. John's Church campus.
      • Please right turn only onto Thornhill and then safely U-turn at Merriewood Drive - it is safe for everyone and keeps traffic flowing.


  • Curb-side Pick-Up: We will now use this "white zone" for a pick-up lane. No parking or standing vehicles allowed - you will be ticketed and towed.
    • Children will exit Gates A and B. Volunteers will help connect them to their family's car.
    • If your child is not ready at the gate to get in your vehicle, you'll have to circle via legal, safe U-turns at Merriewood Drive and back again via a U-turn at 7-11/Taps & Takeout.
    • OUSD safety staff are working with us on this and ready to help if we need to bring in stronger enforcement measures to keep everyone safe and keep traffic flowing.



  • Parking: In between, there will be no parking in the white zone between 8am and 4pm on school days. This is the way it was a few years ago and is and has always been the law. Violators will be ticketed and towed (as some of us remember happening regularly).
    • If you need to park and walk into school, you can find many safe local streets to park on (see map of suggested places to look).
    • No parking opposite the school, especially in neighboring apartment/home driveways.
    • We continue to encourage walking and biking where that's an option for your family.
    • There is NO parking in the St. John's church parking lot due to a major multi-year construction project.
    • Anyone found parking there without a permit (given only to OUSD staff by the church) will be liable for ticketing and towing.


  • Pedestrians: Whether you walked all the way, biked, or parked elsewhere, you can continue to drop-off and pick-up at Gates A and C (and B for Pick-up). See maps.


  • Schedule: Is as follows: 
    • TK/K:
      • 8:10am gate C opens.
      • 8:15am parents/guardians may leave their children with teachers in-line.
      • 8:20am school bell rings and all parents/guardians must leave campus once children are dropped off.
      • 2:15pm (1:10pm on Wed/min days) bell rings, pick-up line opens, gates open with TK/K classes leaving.
    • 1-5 Grade:
      • 8:20am: 1-5 grade drop-off lane is open and students may enter campus.
      • 8:35am: bell rings for 1-5 grade classes and parents/guardians must leave campus.
      • 8:45am: end of drop-off lane. Late arriving students coming by car may exit the car and walk to the gate but cars may not stand unattended.
      • 8:45am: parents/guardians may enter campus for volunteering/meetings.
      • 2:50pm (1:25pm on Wed/min days) bell rings, pick-up line open since TK/K pick-up.
        • Vehicles may not enter before 2:50pm unless picking up TK/K. If picking up students at both bells, vehicles must exit the lane and park elsewhere and return for the second bell. Ticketing and towing will be enforced.
      • 3:00pm (pick-up lane closes).



  • School Spirit and Volunteers: All of this depends on your grace and cooperation and a significant amount of volunteering.
    • A separate message will go out asking for more regular volunteers and a rota process of class-volunteers will be announced. If you are interested, please respond then or email
    • Thanks!