Green Team Annual Spring Clean.
Sun, May 5 9:00am-12:00pm
Thornhill Elementary


It's time for our annual Spring Clean. This is a great event where we come together as a school and neighborhood community to help give care and attention to our school grounds. 

We will be clearing trash and weeds from the front of the school, clearing garbage and leaf debris from the front and back school yards, weeding in the school garden areas, clearing mud and debris from the drainage grates around the school, and generally spiffing up the school (details to follow).

Any amount of time and dedication will help get this important job done! All sized and aged hands welcome! Let's get our campus looking it's best before our first big onsite events - the Walkathon (4/20) and 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony (5/22)!

Want to help? Sign-up here!