Walk to School
Wed, Feb 21
Thornhill Elementary
1 day before

Our 2nd family-led Walk to School initiative is  Wednesday, February 21, at drop off. Let’s rally more families and create big and splashy walking trains toward Thornhill Elementary School! Put on your school branded t-shirt or sweatshirt and show our commitment to a healthier lifestyle and atmosphere by leaving the car in the garage.

This initiative to walk to school one Wednesday a month is informal, unrelated to any official event, and anyone can participate if they wish to. That's 4 morning walks to enjoy the rest of this year with other school families, a little exercise to start a better day, and less cars on the road. Can't beat that!


Find your Walking Station Address


Gear up your "walking train", call your neighbor families and set your meeting time for the morning! Find your meeting station here!