After School Enrichment Programs

The After School Enrichment Program is offered after school on the TES campus during three, eight-week long sessions. LEAD Volunteers help with vendors, registration, and/or help during a specific day. Daily, after school volunteers, commit  :15-30 minutes to ensure all kids find their appropriate class. If a child doesn't show up to a class, the volunteer would work with the TES office staff to determine if the kid was out of school that day OR forgot to attend the after-school class. In short: This person makes sure no kids are missing.

Positions (0/2 filled)

ASEP - Lead Signed Up: 1 / 2

TES offers after school enrichment classes that, in normal years, run for 1 hour after school, 1 day/week, for 8 weeks. We usually offer 3 sessions each school year. We do have set vendors we work with that provide these classes. The person in this role would lead determining 1) what classes will be offered, 2) what day of the week, 3) class location, 4) works with TES office admin to confirm vendor has submitted appropriate paper work to the district (clearance, rental agreement), and 5) helps secure add'l volunteers to assist with the program. The person is this role would also work with our 3rd party vendor (6crickets) which is a portal that all vendors input their class info and parents sign up for the class on this portal. 6 crickets is a HUGE help in reducing the workload on TES. Time estimate that the person in this role would: about 10 prep hours before each session begins, and then about 1 (hour each week (if that) during the sessions.
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Helpers ASEP Signed Up: 2 / 6

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