ONE DAY - Volunteers needed for transferring soil into wine barrels
Fri, Mar 11 11:30am-12:30pm
West County Mandarin School

The Garden Committee would like to ask volunteers to help out tomorrow 3/11, Friday, to transfer soil into wine barrels. The timeframe is from 11:30 to 12:30. Please sign in in the main office and meet at the courtyard. 

El Comité del Jardín quisiera pedir voluntarios para ayudar mañana 3/11, viernes, para transferir tierra a barriles de vino. El horario es de 11:30 a 12:30. Regístrese en la oficina principal y reúnase en el patio.

花园委员会想请志愿者明天 3 月 11 日星期五帮忙,将土壤转移到酒桶中。时间范围为 11:30 至 12:30。请在主办公室签到,然后在院子里见面。


Volunteer Soil into Barrel Signed Up: 0 / 5

Fri, Mar 11 11:30am-12:30pm
Sign up