Rock n Run donation totals!!!!
Tue, Apr 30 8:27am

Hey Rock 'n' Runners!


With just a few days left until the finish line, it's time to push harder, run faster, and rally your classmates to victory!


Let's dive straight into the heart of the competition. We've got some classrooms blazing trails while others are still finding their rhythm. Here's the latest scoop:


**Kindergarten Kraziness:**

- Ms. Flammia's Kindergarten Class is leading the pack with an impressive $960-just 40 away from a movie party!

- Meanwhile, Ms. Plourde's Kindergarten Class is gaining momentum at $341! Time to kick it up a notch!


**First Grade Face-off:**

- Ms. Mazzarella's First Grade Class is setting the pace with $669!

- But hey, Ms. Pierce's First Grade Class, we know you've got the spirit to catch up from $177!


**Second Grade Showdown:**

- Ms. Cleary,  Ms. Dawson, and Ms. Roye are all neck and neck at $555, $560, and $615 respectively!  It's anyone's game!


**Third Grade Thrill:**

- Ms. Torres is in the lead today with a whopping $802 dollars!

- But watch out, Ms. Puglielli and Ms. Martin are not far behind at $506 and $660.  Let's get the whole grade to the Funtastic Picnic!


**Fourth and Fifth Grade Fury:**

- Ms. Beckley's Fourth Grade Class is blasting off with $900-100 dollars shy of a movie party!  Ms. Cavallo is coming in with $511...get those donations!  

- And Ms. Murphy's Fifth Grade Class is making moves with $782-SO close to that picnic!  And Ms. Hannan's class is coming in with $356.


But remember, it's not just about the bragging rights! We're aiming for those sweet, sweet prizes! Extra recess, pajama day, and even an ice cream truck are within reach, but we've got to hustle for it!


Now, here's the deal: We've set our sights on that $25,000 mark, and we're so close we can practically taste victory! If we hit that milestone, it's inflatable obstacle course time, and trust me, you don't want to miss out on that!


So, rally your troops, spread the word, and let's make these last few days count! The finish line is in sight, but it's up to each and every one of us to cross it together!



Rock on, run strong, and let's show everyone what our awesome school can do!