Rock n Run totals!
Mon, Apr 29 9:19am

We are continuing to get donations!  Classes are starting to win prizes-but we still have 6 classes that haven't reached the first prize tier yet....and some are SO close!


Ms. Hannan and Cavallo are less than 100 dollars away from earning extra recess!


Ms. Murphy, Ms. Clearly, and Ms. Martin are  within 170 dollars away from PJ Day or No homework!


Ms. Torres has less than 25 dollars to get to PJ Day/No homework!!!  And Ms. Dawson only 40 dollars to go to get to this level!


We have Ms. Mazzarella, Puglielli, and Beckley working their way to the Funtastic Picnic!


Ms. Flammia's class is in the lead with just 65 more dollars to get to a MOVIE party!


Keep those donations coming!  The Rock n Run is THIS FRIDAY!