Whittier (opt-in) Family Directory Info Due 5/31
Tue, May 23 10:49am

Whittier PTA is developing a Family Directory for students and families to use this summer. The Family Directory is an OPT-IN print directory providing family contact information. It is intended to foster communication within the Whittier community (e.g., arranging playdates, childcare swaps, family get-togethers, birthday party invitations, etc.) It’s a great way to stay in touch with families you met at Spring Fling!

The directory can only be compiled with the information YOU PROVIDE. The PTA cannot access the contact information you've provided to the school. If you would like your contact information included in the directory, please see below:

Directory information and artwork submissions are due by Wednesday, May 31. Questions? Please contact elzingg@gmail.com