Garden Event: Fall Cleanup and Orientations
Sat, Sep 16 10:00am-1:00pm
Willow Glen Elementary
1 day before

Do you enjoy being outdoors and doing hands-on projects? Want to meet other school parents? Are you interested in learning more  about the gardening programs at WGE? Come volunteer in the garden on Saturday, September 16th from 10-1


Come help keep the garden ready for the children to use this fall! If you are interested in learning more about the different parts of the garden and being a docent in your child's class this year, please stop by. We'll also be dividing irises and giving away extras, as well as the usual gardening activities. Just stop by for a bit on your way to the farmer's market and help out, no need to stay the whole time.


No gardening experience necessary! All are welcome. We'll have snacks, and games for kids. Hope to see you there!