Help with Staff Appreciation SNACK DAY - January 23
Willow Glen Elementary

Every month the PTA  hosts a staff appreciation day by providing treats in the staff lounge. It takes many hands to make the day a success! Sign up to provide snacks or drinks below. You will need to drop off the treats by January 22nd to the office or to Katie at 1467 Iris Court. Text her at 650-722-8812 when you're dropping off or with questions. 


Keep an eye out for monthly staff appreciation days. Whether you are a baker, want to help set up in the mornings, like to purchase items, or love to decorate, you are needed.


24 mini pretzel bags Signed Up: 3 / 3

24 small popcorn bags Signed Up: 3 / 3

24 Trail Mix Bags Signed Up: 2 / 3

Sign up

24 Bags of Chips Signed Up: 2 / 4

Sign up

Box of Energy or Granola Bars Signed Up: 6 / 6

Bag of Mandarin Oranges Signed Up: 3 / 3

24 Bubbly Waters Signed Up: 3 / 4

Sign up

24 Cans of Assorted Sodas Signed Up: 2 / 4

Sign up