Staff Appreciation Week 2024 - So Many Ways to Help!
Willow Glen Elementary

Hello WGE Community,

We are looking forward to appreciating our teachers and staff in a couple weeks and there are lots of ways to get involved. In addition to baking and purchases snacks (you can still sign pup! :)), we could also use more help decorating the campus, purchasing and delivering flowers to the staff, and providing donations for our teacher raffle. See instructions and sign ups below. 

Thank you!

WGE PTA Staff Appreciation Committee


Door Decorating - Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th

We love surprising teachers and staff around campus with a decorated door at the beginning of Staff Appreciation Week. Room parents are organizing each teachers door. but we would love for a couple doors of hard working staff to be decorated too! All materials and instructions will be provided. Sign up for doors below.


Flower Deliveries - Tuesday, May 7th

Students will bring their teachers flowers on Tuesday, May 7th. but we don't want to forget the other staff around campus. If you child is a part of the resource program or connects with other teachers and staff on campus, please bring them flowers too.

If you are interested in delivering flowers to our front office and other support staff, please sign up below.


Prizes for the Teacher Raffle

We can't wait to bring back the teacher raffle this year. We are looking for some more raffle prizes ranging from $25-$100. Interested in donating a raffle prize, follow the link below. Instructions can be found at the top of the document.


Teacher Raffle Prize Donation Sign Up



Front Office Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

Library Door Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

Resource Classroom P-19 Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

Cafeteria Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

Custodian Closet Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

PE Closet Signed Up: 0 / 1

Sign up

Flowers for Ms. Knapp Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Gaeta-Rodriguez Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Amarante Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Stephanie (Front Office) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Gauri (Front Office) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Jan (Front Office) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Maria (Nurses Office) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Avery (Nurses Office) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Gina Morales (Counselor in the Front Office) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Mendoza (Intervention Specialist) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Aguilar (Intervention Specialist) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Ms. Yesson (Library Tech) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Hilda Canales (Cafeteria) Signed Up: 1 / 1

Flowers for Maria Casas Sulca (Cafeteria) Signed Up: 1 / 1