This Morning's Protest Activity
Tue, Apr 2 9:28am

Good morning WGE Community,


I'd like to encourage you to review VP Amarante's Message via Parent Square.  This is the school's formal communication on the matter.  


Now, for the PTA's.  The group this morning is not affiliated with the school, nor the Willow Glen Elementary PTA.  Again, not the PTA.  But the participants were lawfully exercising their rights.



Certainly, a brilliant morning to be called "Unamerican" (multiple times) and have it be suggested that "You have to be a legal citizen to exercise your voting rights."  


This group has been bouncing around San Jose Unified schools recently.  


Whatever your opinions about their cause are your own and you're welcome to them, let's just all try to keep the back parking lot moving.   


And please remember that if you engage with them (or similar protestors, irrespective of their political views), you are likely being baited and you are likely being recorded/photographed.  


