WGE Community,
I am pleased to inform you that the Willow Glen Elementary PTA bylaws updates have been approved by the California State PTA Parliamentarian. We are required to update our bylaws every 5 years; the process involves many parties and lots of approvals.
Attached are the California State PTA (CAPTA) Parliamentarian-signed bylaws with the Bylaws Submittal Form (for necessary changes) merged in. This indicates State approval of our 5-year changes and edits.
The bylaws are not legally binding until they are adopted by the Association.
This is our 30-day notice to you, our WGEPTA Association, that we will be making a motion and asking that you adopt them (with at least a 2/3 vote) so that they can then become binding. We will be voting on this document at the in-person March 12 PTA Meeting.
I am excited to be a part of this legal update and requirement, ensuring that we are doing the absolute best that we can for our WGE community. We couldn’t do any of this without YOU, thank you!
Theisha Rush
WGEPTA Parliamentarian 2023-2024