WGE's Annual Walk-A-Thon!!
Fri, Oct 13 9:00am-10:10am
Willow Glen Elementary
4 days before

The Willow Glen Elementary PTA is organizing a Walk-A-Thon during school hours on Friday, October 13th! This activity is a healthy way for all children to make a positive contribution to our school, with their family's help! https://app.99pledges.com/fund/wgewalkath


The money raised will go toward funding Music, Art, Schmal Science, and other essential programs. 

We are asking all our Tigers to help bring in pledges for their Walk-A-Thon participation. This is our ONLY pledge drive of the year!


Prizes for levels of participation include: 

  • All students will receive a snack “prize” (nut free) immediately following the Walk-A-Thon
  • $50 raised earns the student a Free Dress Day
  • $125 raised earns the student a Golden Tiger Paw for the Student Store
  • $250 raised earns the student a $25 Hicklebee’s Gift Certificate
  • $500 raised earns the student a $50 Gift Certificate to Willow Glen Creamery 
  • The 3 classes with the highest student participation (regardless of dollar amount) earn a popsicle party and a $50 Lakeshore gift card for their teacher
  • The student that raises the most money earns a $100 Petroglyph Gift Card

Online donations can be made by searching for your child’s online pledge page here: https://app.99pledges.com/fund/wgewalkath . Cash and checks collected can be dropped off or mailed to the school - WGE PTA,1425 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA, 95125.


**Online pledges are especially great for asking relatives or friends to help support our school!! 


***Don’t forget corporate matching. 


Please Note:

  • This event takes place during school hours and parents are not permitted on campus during this time.
  • All donations must be turned in/received by Friday, October 20th to be eligible for prizes.