Running Club/Girls on the Run
A running club for students to develop fitness and self-confidence. See details below! We are pleased to announce Alexander Doniphan’s seventh year of participating in the Kansas City Kids’ Marathon. Our goal is for each Doniphan participant to run or walk 25 miles leading up to the final 1.2-mile KC Kids' Marathon. Upon completion of the program, student mileage will total a full marathon! By reaching this goal, our students will support Children’s Mercy Hospital’s efforts in fighting childhood obesity! We would love for all our students to participate in the 2017 Kansas City Kids’ Marathon held on Saturday, October 21st at Crown Center. Through their participation, students will receive a t-shirt and medal from the Kansas City Marathon for their hard work and effort. We are very excited for our students to have this opportunity to participate in this free-of-charge program to help support an active and healthy life-style. HOW TO JOIN OUR TEAM! Click on the link Complete the registration process and continue to the checkout screen. NO PAYMENT WILL BE DUE. Please contact if there are any fees. Click “Complete Registration” to finish the process and join your team. NOTE: There will be no payment due. All team fees will be paid by the Team Manager. You will be directed to a confirmation page if the registration was successful. Join by Friday September 29th to guarantee your child a FREE Doniphan Marathon shirt to wear the day of the race! Shirts are being paid for by Waddell and Reed ☺ Join us on Friday (Two Thursdays) mornings to get your miles in! Important Dates: Friday Morning Running Club: Sept. 15th, 8:00 am THURSDAY Morning Running Club: Sept. 21st, 8:00 am Friday Morning Running Club: Sept. 29th, 8:00 am Friday Morning Running Club: Oct. 6th, 8:00am Friday Morning Running Club: Oct. 13th, 8:00 am THURSDAY Morning Running Club: Oct. 19th, 8:00 am Kansas City Kids’ Marathon: October 21st, 2017 at 9:30 am Any questions please email Stephanie Littleton at
(Max: 75)
(Max: 60)