(Reminder) SHA Scholastic Book Fair Fundraiser: Palm, Willow, and Tulip-Poplar Day!
Mon, Apr 24 9:04pm

Good morning Breakthrough families!


The SHA Scholastic Book Fair is off to a great start!  Students in Sequoia and Locust loved picking out their SHA-funded books yesterday, and today we will welcome students from Palm, Willow, and Tulip-Poplar.  If you are able, please contribute to the SHA Student Book Fair Fund. We've raised $1,323 so far and would love to hit our fundraising goal of $4,000 for this event--about $300 per class.  We want to make sure EVERY Breakthrough student goes home with a book!

Book Fair Schedule:
TODAY, Tuesday: Palm, Willow, Tulip-Poplar
Wednesday: Dogwood, Maple, Magnolia
Thursday: Chestnut, Ginkgo, Cherry Blossom
Friday: Capuli, Baobab
Saturday: EVERYONE! Family Book Fair! 10AM-3PM
Thank you so much!