Moving Up Ceremony Decorations
Sun, Jun 12 9:00am-11:00am
Breakthrough Montessori

Hello again, families!


We are in our final full week of the 2021-22 school year which means we're eagerly awaiting the moving up ceremonies of our Kindergarten, and Third Graders! Ceremonies will be taking place in the green space next to the school and we're looking for a few volunteers who would like to help decorate and beautify the space for the students and families. 


We will have supplies on hand so if you're available to help sign up below and, please meet at the Green Space on Sunday, June 12 at 9 AM and we'll put you to work making the space beautiful for the ceremonies and the last week of school!


Thank you in advance.


Your SHA Executive Committee:

Amanda, Colesha, Kendra,  Keisha, Sarah and Ty


Decorating Volunteer (6 people needed) Signed Up: 3 / 6

Sun, Jun 12 9:00am-11:00am
Sign up