Q4 Backpack and Materials Pick Up for Virtual Students
Thu, Apr 22 8:33am


Attention all Breakthrough families with virtual students! 


Q4 materials are ready for pick up.  Each virtual student has a backpack jam packed with materials coming directly from the guides’ suggestions and that will be integrated into lessons. 


Based on your feedback, the SHA Distance Learning Committee coordinated this effort to make materials more accessible and useful this quarter.  We are doing porch pickups because it is sometimes difficult for families to get to the school during daytime hours. Your pick-up location by grade is below along with a contact number.  Please pick up your child’s backpack as soon as possible this week at the address below.



Pick Up Address

Contact Person


63 Tuckerman St NW


Karlee Yurek (410) 215-5811


1514 Webster St NW


Amanda Lutz (913) 638-9212


6009 5th St NW


Anna Jesseman (510) 701-4692

Elementary (Grades 1-3)

311 Quackenbos St NE


Sarah Wyss (202) 258-5015


Backpacks will be left outside on porches and labelled if necessary.  They will be available for pick up 7:30 am to 8:30 pm.  If you have any questions, call or text the contact listed above.  If you do not have transportation and would like to request delivery, please contact Sarah Wyss at wyss.sarah@gmail.com.  We will do our best to do a round of deliveries at the end of the week as needed.  Backpacks not picked up this week will be brought to Breakthrough’s Takoma campus for pick up at your convenience.