Volunteers Needed for Breakthrough Book Fair!
Sun, Mar 19 2:07pm

Hello Breakthrough Community,


The SHA events committee is looking for volunteers to help with the Breakthrough Montessori Second Annual Scholastic Book Fair that will take place during the week of April 24th. Building off last year's Book Fair success, we are eager to involve even more of the community in the planning and execution of the fair this year. Like last year, the weekday shopping times will be reserved for classroom and staff shopping, but there will also be a family book fair event on Saturday, April 29th for our Breakthrough Montessori community.


Please show your interest by signing up in one (or more!) of the jobs here.  If you would like to share even more of your time by being a Book Fair Committee chairperson, please email Kendra Harpster at president@breakthroughsha.org

Thank you in advance! We can't put on a successful event without your help.


All best,

The SHA Executive Committee


Adaku Onyeka-Crawford

Hunter Watts

Keisha Igbazua

Kendra Harpster

Sarah Savoy