Volunteers Needed for Breakthrough's Scholastic Book Fair (April 24th - 29th)
Mon, Apr 10 10:23pm

Hello Breakthrough families,

We are still looking for parent volunteers to help make our upcoming book fair a success!
During the week, we need volunteers to cashier and help students choose books on these dates:
  • Tuesday, April 25th (both morning and afternoon shifts available)
  • Wednesday, April 26th (afternoon shift)
  • Thursday, April 27th (morning shift)
We also still need Family Day volunteers for Saturday, April 29th, to assist with cashiering, cleanup, running activities, and reading aloud.  (If you previously tried to sign up for a Saturday time slot and ran into an error message, this has been fixed.  Thanks for your patience!)
Can't donate your time but still want to contribute to the book fair?  Help support the Breakthrough SHA's A Book for Every Child fund, and donate here.


Thank you for helping us make this a memorable experience for our students, and for nurturing their love of reading!


If you have questions about volunteering or donating, please reach out to Book Fair Co-Chairs Meghan Sullivan (meghanls@gmail.com) and Ruby Sheikh (sheikh.ruby@gmail.com).