2024-25 Classroom Assignments
Wed, Aug 7 7:28pm

If you didn’t get to the school this week to find out your child’s teacher check out the linked Google folder.: 

2024-25 Class Lists Folder


Once you know your child’s teacher, please add yourself to their Konstella Classroom, here’s directions on how to do so:

1) Log-in to Konstella 

2) Click on your name in the upper left hand corner.

3) A drop-down menu will appear.  Click on "Your Children."

4) A  window will open giving you the option to "join a classroom" and "add child". Click on all that apply and follow prompts to add or change information.

5) Drop down list will appear with all classrooms by teacher.

6.) Select classroom and click SAVE.

This will ensure you get all communication about important upcoming events, classroom activities (like field trips!) volunteer sign ups, and will tell us where to deliver your shirt orders!


With Gratitude,