Dear HMS Konstella Community,
On behalf of your HMF Board, I hope you and your family have enjoyed and stayed healthy during the two week school closure!
Moving into the new year is always an exciting time. It’s a time to set personal goals, create new family adventures, and make positive changes that lead to lasting memories and heartfelt gratitude for all that has been given as opportunity in the previous year.
2025 brings change for me. I never anticipated any changes in my position as HMF Board President when I started the 2024-25 school year. However, an opportunity arose unexpectedly.
As you all know, I regularly substitute teach at the school, often long term. In November, Mr. Bingham asked me to substitute long-term in a position that the district had hired a teacher for. Unfortunately, the person filling that position could not complete all the necessary details to transition to the role here. In the interim, a sub filled in for three months, but both the hired person and the sub could no longer fulfill the position.
While substituting between the two holidays, I applied for the two-day-a-week position and officially will become the new Resource Specialist (RSP) teacher at Hammer on January 7th. While I will still be able to sub on campus the other 3 days, I believe that the next chapter for me as a HMS staff member is the right fit, especially as the RSP, where I can support students who need greater academic support beyond their current classroom environment, my area of professional expertise. This means I will have to give up my position as HMF Board President. This decision was not made lightly, especially considering how much time I already spend on campus every day and my short term plans to remain involved in a board position with HMF.
January will be my last month as the HMF president. Until then there are action items that need to be addressed:
- Annual Appeal: Today, December 31, 2024 marks the last day for Annual Appeal Contributions here in Konstella. Please consider donating any dollar amount, we are $8,500 away from meeting our goal.
- Board President Resignation: The HMF Board President is resigning to become the new RSP teacher at Hammer, starting January 7th.
- New Board Member Recruitment: The HMF board is looking for new volunteers to join the board.
- Open Positions: The executive board needs a new President and Secretary, and someone to work with the current Field Trip and Assemblies Coordinator, taking over as official coordinator for the 2025-26 school year.
- Executive Board Member Responsibilities(President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer): Attend 8 out of 10 monthly board meetings, participate in voting for the annual HMF budget and other action items.
- Field Trip and Assemblies Co-Coordinator Responsibilities: Collaborate with teachers, Mr. Bingham, and the current coordinator to plan field trips and assemblies, and provide updates at monthly board meetings
- Position Application: Interested individuals should email by Friday 1/31/25, specifying the desired position.