10/30 Update-
Holy Smokes HMS Community! Did you see the news! HMS is #1 in climate survey responses, Mr. Bingham’s goal is 82%, can we get higher than that?! Let’s do it, FREE DRESS FRIDAY IF WE MEET OR EXCEED the 82%!
74% of Hammer Families have completed the school climate survey, Mr. Bingham will declare free dress for all students if HMS reaches 82% response rate!
Thank you to those who have completed the survey, please look for your personalized Climate Survey link email if you haven’t completed it yet.
Thank you!
Greetings fellow HMS families!
On behalf of Mr. Bingham, if you haven’t taken the few minutes to fill out the climate survey, you only need to do it once if you have more than one kiddo in SJUSD! If you have multiple children in San José Unified, kindly complete the survey with your youngest child and their school in mind.
We need your help! Please take a moment to complete the SJUSD Climate Survey sent on October 14. We use this information to make Hammer better. Make your voice heard now, please don’t wait! Our goal is 80% and we are currently at 53%. Please contribute to Hammer by doing it now.
**Please reference your email from Hammer Montessori via Parent Square for your family’s unique Climate Survey Link!
To those families who have completed it, THANK YOU!