Join the Kat Kid Flip the Switch Challenge for Earth Week! 🌍🌟
Fri, Apr 19 6:37pm

Dear Hoover Families,


Today, the students had the opportunity to participate in an exciting and impactful assembly launching the "Kat Kid Flip the Switch Challenge" as part of Hoover's Earth Week celebrations. 


The Flip the Switch Challenge is all about empowering our students to make a positive impact on the environment by conserving electricity, one flip at a time. Energy usage is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in California, and lighting is one of the largest sources of energy use in homes and schools. At the "Kat Kid Flip the Switch Challenge" assembly today, students embarked on a week-long challenge, asking students to take small steps that will lead to a significant impact.


Here's how the challenge works, and you can support:

  1. Turning Off Lights: Students are encouraged to turn off lights and switches when they are not in use/when they leave a room, both at home and at school. This simple action may seem small, but when multiplied across all participants, it can lead to significant energy savings.
  2. Daily Tally: Each day, students will keep track of the number of times they flip the switch and turn off a light. They will record these tallies on slips provided to them.
  3. Bringing in Tally Slips: Every morning of next week, students are asked to bring in their tally slips to school, where we will keep track of our collective progress.

Our goal for the challenge is to reach 3,000 flips of the switch by Friday, April 26th, when the challenge ends. It's an ambitious target, but with the enthusiasm and dedication of our students, We are confident we can achieve it.


At the end of this challenge, our students will not only have developed a valuable habit of conserving electricity, but they will also receive a final prize in recognition of their commitment to making a difference for our planet. Furthermore, the top students and class who make the most "flips of the switch" will get an additional prize. We will be sending updates about progress on this challenge throughout the week!


Thank you for your partnership in this important initiative. Together, we can make a significant impact and create a brighter, greener future for generations to come.


Also, if you are looking for something to do this weekend please check out the ARTivism jellyfish art made by Palo Alto students (including some Hoover Green Team students) hanging in the Rinconada Library as part of the Earth Day Festival!


Enjoy and Happy Earth Week!

The Hoover Green Team