Dear Walnut Acres Families,
Get ready for the 2025 STEM and Science Fair!
Walnut Acres students, grades K-5, are encouraged to think like young scientists and submit a project in any science-related or engineering field. Projects can be as varied as their interests: sports, music, art, rocketry, animals, psychology, food, computers, the environment or whatever intrigues them. Through their projects, students discover the exciting world of science and learn the basics of scientific exploration.
· Science Experiment: A science project starts with a question that a student can answer with research and testing. Once the question has been established, the student needs to determine what experiment(s) or research needs to be done to answer the question.
· Engineering Design: The use of scientific principles and the demonstration of creativity and ingenuity to overcome a real-world problem or show a better way of doing something. Identify a problem to solve or demonstrate how someone has solved a problem.
Register on-line at the following link: