Upcoming Sign-Ups
Lunch Duty Volunteer Signup
Mon, Sep 16 11:15am-12:45pm
As you may have heard at our first PFC meeting, the school is currently understaffed for Lunch Duty as they continue to try to hire Noon Monitors. In the meantime, we are setting up a parent volunteer ... [More]
5th Grade Families- September is your month to host Drive-Thru!
Mon, Sep 16 7:45am-8:00am
5th Grade Families- September is your month to host Drive-Thru! 5th Grade Families: Please help us in the Drive Thru line as we open doors and greet students while they are arriving at school. As in ... [More]
Fall Carnival Volunteers Needed
Sat, Sep 28 3:45pm-7:30pm
Come One, Come All! Fall Carnival is approaching and we need your help to make it a success. Please sign up to volunteer and help make it a night to remember. Questions: email carnival@walnutacrespfc.net
Sign-Ups Without Specified Date
Fall Carnival Cake Walk Cake Donations Needed
Come One, Come All! Fall Carnival is approaching and we need your help to make it successful. The Cake Walk is always a huge hit with the kids and we need cakes! The more donations we get, the more ... [More]