Walnut Acres PFC eNews: February 4, 2025
Wed, Feb 5 11:06am

What's Happening at Walnut Acres: February 4, 2025


Mark Your Calendars!  

2/7       Deadline to sign up for Science Fair

2/8        Community Service Day 8:30-11:30am

2/17         President’s Day Holiday - No School

2/18         Online Auction Begins

2/18         PFC Meeting on ZOOM 7 pm

2/20         Science Fair 6:00-8:00


For the entire calendar, please see: PFC Key Dates 2024-2025

To add PFC events to personal calendar: Go to the Konstella calendar and click "Sync to My Calendar" (web) or "Sync" (mobile app).

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To Do List:

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Community Service Day - Saturday, February 8 from 8:30-11:30am
Service Day is this Saturday, February 8 from 8:30-11:30am. Please sign up here and come join us to weed and replant the area in front of the school and kindergarten garden area, rejuvenate the baseball fields, organize the PE sheds, clean lunch tables and a few other projects. Kids are welcome to participate and can help with weeding, planting and painting rocks for the garden/planters. The rain should be done by then, but please wear clothes and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty.



We are 40 days away from our Annual Auction event and we still have tickets available to this amazing event!

This event is a great way to meet other parents and support our school!  In addition to being an incredible social event, the auction is the heart of our school’s fundraising efforts, supporting essential programs that pay for the salaries of instructional aides, academic programs, curriculum licensing, playground improvements, as well as music and art programs that make our school amazing. Last year the auction funded almost 50% of our total revenue last year! 

So, please use this link to purchase your tickets: https://walnutacres.schoolauction.net/waeauction2025/homepages/show

We look forward to seeing so many (more!) of you on March 14!



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Morning Drive Thru

Want to Volunteer in February, but do not have a lot of time? Join the Drive Thru Line!

Help us in the Drive Thru line as we open doors and greet students while they are arriving at school.  We would greatly appreciate 2-4 helpers each day. Can you please help for 15 minutes in the morning, 7:45 - 8:00 am?


All Walnut Acres Parents and Caregivers sign up using the link below:

Morning Drive Thru

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BE A PART of our ROARS code by helping your student(s) be RESPONSIBLE!

Your children are participating in the RecycleSmart School’s Program, sponsored by the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (a public agency with a mission to reduce waste).

Our goal is to recycle & compost 75% of everything that we dispose of at school. We are recycling our clean paper, plastic, & metal. We are composting our food scraps, paper towels, & napkins. 

You can help reduce waste even further by helping your child Pack a Zero- Waste Lunch. 

Here are a few suggestions to get started:

  • Pack in reusable containers. Avoid plastic wraps, plastic bags, wax-paper bags, & aluminum foil.
  • Choose reusable utensils.
  • Use a lunch box or backpack instead of disposable bags.

More resources to reduce lunch waste.

More information about RecycleSmart. 

Thanks for recycling & composting at home! This helps us do a better job at school.

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Have you donated to the JAGUAR FUND?

The suggested donation for the 2024-2025 school year is $65 per month or a one-time donation of $650, per child.

The Jaguar Fund is the Parent Faculty Club’s primary source of funds to bridge the gap between public funding and the true cost of our children’s education at Walnut Acres. 

Anyone that donates will receive a Walnut Acres Adventures Awaits car magnet showing their support!

Our Goal is 100% Participation. Understanding that every family situation is different, the goal of the Jaguar Fund is 100% Participation, regardless of the dollar amount. No amount is too small, and every dollar will make a difference for our school.

Please donate by clicking the LINK HERE!

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Buy your 2024-2025 Walnut Acres Yearbook NOW for $37!   (Yearbooks sold out the past 3 years, and we will NOT be ordering extras this year.) 

NEW this year: Purchase an “Angel Book” to be donated to a Walnut Acres student in need.

Go to: www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter school code: 10053

Want to share your amazing pictures for the yearbook?

  1. Go to: www.hjeshare.com; Enter school code walnutacres
  2. Click "select images for upload". Click "Browse for Images".
  3. Locate our images, click on them, then click "Open".
  4. Enter the information for each image. Please include "grade(s) of students" and provide the teacher's name if known. For "student(s) shown", type N/A (You do NOT need to include student’s name). 
  5. Click "upload images"
  6. *Note: The yearbook crew builds pages as events happen throughout the year. Please upload photos within 1 month of an event. 

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Support the PFC and put a smile on your child's face! For $25.00, the greeting “Happy Birthday ‘Your  Child’s Name’” will be on display on the Walnut  Acres' electronic Marquee from 7am-9pm on your date of choice. Click HERE to purchase.

Is your child’s birthday during the summer? Consider a “half-birthday” greeting 6 months after their birthday.

The deadline for submitting an order is one week prior to your child's birthday. 

Questions? Please email Justin Pickering at marquee@walnutacrespfc.net.

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Managing your Konstella Notifications

Did you know you can manage how & when you receive Konstella messages? Go to Account Settings > Notifications to manage your preferences.