Help Celebrate Dr Peterson's birthday on Wednesday/Ayude a celebrar el cumpleaños del Dr. Peterson el miércoles/周三帮助庆祝彼得森博士的生日
Wed, Sep 21
West County Mandarin School
1 day before

Dr. Peterson's birthday is on Wednesday, September 21st!


We are fortunate to have such a dedicated principal who works long hours.  We want to show him our appreciation on his special day!   We are hoping students can bring cards, and make drawings or art for him.   Cards can either be brought to the school office or we will try to have a box out front with the yard supervisors on Wednesday for them to be collected during school drop-off.  


Room parents are also organizing to decorate his office door on Tuesday 9/20 at 4pm.  Vicky Gerhardt will be meeting at the front door of the office, if you are able to come to help decorate or donate supplies please contact her or your room parent. 


Please note that we have hidden this message from him and the school staff so we can give him a BIG surprise on his birthday!    Thank you!