Middle School Program Exploratory Workgroup / Comité Exploratorio del Programa de la Escuela Intermedia / 七年级和八年级探索委员会

This is a steering advisory workgroup to help explore and guide the 7th and 8th-grade WCMS middle school program.

The goals of this Workgroup are to:

1) engage interested parents in finding the best option that is optimal for the WCMS community and the district,
2) provide a platform for parents to provide input,
3) advise and provide support to Dr. Peterson, and
4) strategize on how to reach the best option for our school community/district, in a timely manner. 


Este es un comité directivo para ayudar a explorar y guiar el programa de escuela intermedia de 7.° y 8.° grado.


这是一个指导委员会,帮助指导 7 年级和 8 年级的课程。

Positions (0/2 filled)

Committee Chair / Presidenta del comité / 委员会主席 Signed Up: 1 / 2

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Committee Member / miembro del Comité / 委员会成员 Signed Up: 66 / 80

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