Nominating Committee/ Comité de nominaciones/ 提名委员会

At least 2 months before the PTA Executive Board Election, the Nominating Committee identifies and nominates candidates for each Executive Board positions:

President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Programs, VP of Communications, VP of Fundraising, and Parliamentarian.

The PTA bylaws requires 5 Nominating Committee members and 1 alternate, in case one of the other members cannot fulfill their duties.

Traducción de Google
Al menos 2 meses antes de la elección de la Junta Ejecutiva de la PTA, el Comité de Nominaciones identifica y nombra candidatos para cada puesto de la Junta Ejecutiva:

Presidente, vicepresidente ejecutivo, secretario, tesorero, vicepresidente de programas, vicepresidente de comunicaciones, vicepresidente de recaudación de fondos y parlamentario.

Los estatutos de la PTA requieren 3 miembros del Comité de Nominaciones y 2 suplentes, en caso de que uno de los otros miembros no pueda cumplir con sus deberes.




Positions (1/3 filled)

Nominating Committee Member Signed Up: 6 / 7

Identify and nominate candidates for the PTA Executive Board./ 来自Google的翻译 确定并提名PTA执行委员会的候选人。/ Traducción de Google Identificar y nominar candidatos para la Junta Ejecutiva de la PTA.
Sign up

Nominating Committee Alternate Signed Up: 1 / 1

Act as an alternative in the case that one of the Nominating Committee members are unable to fulfill their duties.

Nominating Committee Communications Support Signed Up: 0 / 5

Supports Nominating Committee's WCMS community outreach efforts to identify potential PTA Executive Board candidates. Support Team members are not required to be elected to the Nominating Committee or attend all Committee meetings.
Sign up